Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions of Use

The site www.mftcommunity.com is an offer of    (called “the owner”). On this site you receive information and tips for and about photography & photographic equipment, accessories and all kind of gadgets concerning photography. The mentioned site offers its users the possibility to share their experience and opinions in discussion forums and to upload images. Additionnally users may access via Hyperlinks internet sites of other services.


§ 1 Purpose, Use of the forum, Advertising, Copyrights

1.1 The content of the above mentioned sites is for information purposes and for private use only.

1.2 The postings and images in the public on this site has to be in accordance with copyrights of third parties and the governing law. Users of these offers agree not to post information or upload software or images, which violate the governing law, or which could harm/damage other users or the owner, incl. viruses etc.. Furthermore the users agree not to obstruct, reduce or to prevent the access for other users.

1.3 Postings/uploads, signatures or userprofiles, whose purpose are solely commercial advertising are not allowed on the sites.

1.4 The content of the sites of the owner is copyright protected. Duplication, changing/alteration and circulation of information and/or data, especially text, images etc. independant of the intended purpose is not allowed without written approval of the owner. A commercial utilization or resale of the content by others is not allowed.

1.5 With the publication of contents the users themselves – or in the name of the copyright owners – give the owner the non-exclusive right, to duplicate, modify, change, publish or translate without any restriction of time and location on these sites.

1.6 Buy and Sell postings are restricted to the market place/second hand/classifieds section of the forum. For more details see the guidelines within the section.


§ 2 Liability

2.1. the owner does not take over any warranty for the correctness and actuality of the postings and the images, especially not for the content and information of third party-websites, which are referred via links from the sites of the owner. the owner emphasizes specifically, that he has no influence on the design or the content of the linked pages. Therefore he distances himself explicitly from all content of all linked pages on and to this homepage. This declaration is valid for all links on this homepage.

2.2 Furthermore the owner does not take any responsability/liability for direct or indirect damage/harm, which occur by the use of data or information on the websites of the owner. In any case the owner is only liable for willful or grossly negligent behaviour.

2.3 As far as there are discussion forums, images and chats offered on the websites of the owner, it is not possible for the owner to control the content and the opinions, which are shared/exchanged among users. The postings in the forums reflect exclusively the opinion of the respective user. the owner does not take over any liability for the completeness and correctness of the published content. the owner is not liable for any loss or harm, which occure, because a user trusts on published information. the owner has the right at any time to exclude users, if their behaviour is not in accordance with these terms of use or if they harm other interests of the owner. The owner is also entitled to delete and change content at any time. Especially when postings contain advertising of commercial suppliers.

2.4 The owner is not responsible or liable for the articles offered in the market place/classifieds. The owner allows users to offer, sell and buy just about anything in a variety of pricing formats and locations. The actual contract for sale is directly between the seller and buyer. The owner is not involved in this process and not liable in case of disputes.

2.5 Exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising is Wiesbaden/Germany.


§ 3 Availablity of the websites. Changes of the terms of use

3.1 The owner is not obliged towards the users to maintain a certain offer and he can change, add or delete at any time the offered content, information, images and data.

3.2 The owner has the right, to change the terms of use at any time. In case of change of terms, it will be indicated/announced to the users by a distinct reference on the website.

3.3 Any kind of usage of this website or the contained/listed data, information, texts, parts of texts or images, as well as any action, toleration or omission of, which stands in connection/context with the use of these sites is exclusively subject to German law (only).